52 Years Est. 1971

Donations to ASCAA

Donating to our non-profit is simple. Please follow the instructions below to complete your donation. As always, thank you for your continued support and contribution!

Donating Online or in Honor/Memory of a Person

If you are donating in memory or honor of a person, please fill out the contact form. This allows us to reach out to that person (and you) and send a letter thanking you for your wondrous donation. It also lets us inform the other party (friends, family members, or others) of the donation that was made in their name or family members.

Once you have finished filling out the form, please enter your unique code and hit submit, which will take you to another page thanking you for your donation. Follow the instructions on that page, which will take you to PayPal to complete the transaction.
Please keep in mind that donations are added to our annual report. So please mark or indicate if you wish to remain anonymous about your generous contribution. You will still receive a thank-you letter, but anonymous donors will not be submitted into our annual report or have further contact from us unless specified otherwise.
Glass Jar With Donations

Making a Donation

Making Donations Through the Mail


ATTN: Donation
10900 Carnegie Avenue Suite DD1-201 Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Please be sure to include the following:

Also, please let us know if you wish to remain anonymous regarding your donation.

Group Donation (Through Work or Other Foundation)

If you are donating to the ASCAA from several different individuals, please be sure to include the names and addresses of all individual contributors.

Making Donations Through Social Media

We are located in the donation directory on Facebook. You may do a fundraising or donations campaign. You can find us by searching our organization: American Sickle Cell Anemia Association.


Shop through AmazonSmile to make a small percentage donation of your cart (at no extra cost to you). These funds go directly to a charity of your choice and can be changed at any time. You can find us by searching our organization: American Sickle Cell Anemia Association.

Group Donation (Through Work or Other Foundation)

If you are donating to the ASCAA from several different individuals, please be sure to include the names and addresses of all individual contributors.

Making Donations Through Social Media

We are located in the donation directory on Facebook. You may do a fundraising or donations campaign. You can find us by searching our organization: American Sickle Cell Anemia Association.


Shop through AmazonSmile to make a small percentage donation of your cart (at no extra cost to you). These funds go directly to a charity of your choice and can be changed at any time. You can find us by searching our organization: American Sickle Cell Anemia Association.